Are you talking to me?

The majority of my life, I have been "fluffy".  There was a short period of time in high school that I wasn't, but for the most part, I have had a little extra to love.  Oh wait, I was less than 5 pounds but that didn't last very long.  Yesterday was my official weekly weigh-in day.  I am officially 43.8 pounds gone on this weight loss journey.  That number is just astounding to me.  Many things about this journey is shocking to me.

My clothing.....the fact that my "skinny" clothes that I bought a couple of months ago, which were snug but I was bound and determined to wear them, are loose.  The fact that I can wear a pair of leggings underneath my "skinny" pants and they be loose, well it just makes me chuckle.

People's comments make me chuckle too. Lately, I have been receiving a lot of compliments about my weight loss.  I'll be honest, they are flattering and good motivation. But every time I get a compliment from someone, I look around and think "are you talking to me"?  They couldn't be talking to me could they?  Wait, maybe I think they are.  That's pretty cool......

I say these things, not to gloat.  Although, I am proud of the fact that I have lost almost 44 pounds.  I share these thoughts for a couple of reasons  For those that think they can't do this, YOU CAN!  I really can't believe how much easier this is than I thought.  Don't tell anyone, but it's actually become kind of fun.  Shhhh, don't say a word!  :)  I also am finding that challenging myself has become something I'm enjoying as well.

I also share this because there are people who can relate to this bu may not want to say anything.  Being confident in yourself and sharing accomplishments can be difficult for those of us who have been "hiding" in the shadows of our weight and obesity.  To put ourselves out there for people to see can be intimidating and downright scary.  As we shed the extra pounds, we end up shedding alot more than just weight and bigger clothes.  We shed walls that we have built up over time that have been built up as the extra pounds that we have packed on throughout our lives.  Sometimes we realize this and sometimes it sneaks up on us with no warning whatsoever.  As those pounds or walls start to crumble, we start to see ourselves for who we are.  We even start getting ideas and inspiration to become the people that we have always wanted to be.  I earned my Associates Degree and am looking forward to hopefully soon working in a field that is closer to what I really want to be doing.  That journey started before the weight loss began, however, I am more confident with that decision then I was before.  It truly is amazing how just changing to a healthy lifestyle can really affect the rest of your life in a good way.

These days life is hectic and stressful at times.  One thing is certain, I am enjoying this "blog" thing.  Other people are reading it and enjoying it too.  As always, thanks for stopping my front porch of the worldwide web.  I hope you enjoyed this piece of my journey.  Come back again soon!

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