I'm not really sure what I'm doing or how to do this. However, that has not stopped me in the past so why let it stop me now right?
I guess the first step is to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Nicole. Some people think that I should share the pages that make up the story of my life. I am still not convinced that this is going to work, however, I am willing to try just about anything.
My life has been a series of not so great decisions followed by various transformations that led to better decisions. One of the reasons I'm writing this blog is to hopefully be a help to others that may be on similar journeys as I. The other reasons, well, I'm not sure of them at this point, however, I'm confident that the reasons will make themselves known as time marches on.
To set the scene, I am a 41 year old female who has a significant other of almost 10 years. I also have a 12 year old nugget and bonus nuggets that I'll tell you more about as time goes on. Oh, I'm also mom to a 5 year old beagle. My days are filled with kids, honey bunny's, work, school, working on my metamorphosis. Again, more about that later.
My promise to you is that I will be honest. I will attempt to make you laugh, sometimes I might make you cry (after all, sometimes, you just need a good cry). Overall, I will share my life story with you in hopes to make a connection and/or help you face and overcome a challenge or ten.
You can thank my friend and colleague, Sandy, for encouraging me to try this out. I think my stories entertain her and sometimes shock and bewilder her. She thought it was a good idea to see what happens with a blog, and she comes up with good ideas quite often so let's see what happens.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed your visit to my "front porch" on the world wide web. Next visit, let's pull up a nice rocking chair, pour a tasty beverage (whatever that means for you) and let's start talking about the pieces of my journey.
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