Where to begin……

What a year right?  Isn’t that what all good year end/new year blog posts begin with?  I have been remiss on blogging for a lot longer than I thought.  New Year, new habits to form and bad habits to break.  One of my goals this year is to write more.  Writing is not something that I really ever thought I would enjoy, yet it has been on my mind a lot lately and honestly, maybe this is how I can deal with the emotions I have. 

Let’s start with the weight loss.  I came to a screeching halt in June and at least maintained until December.  December, I came to the realization that I am more of an emotional eater than I imagined.  Heartbreak set in and so did the cookies, and the junk food and the “I don’t care” attitude.  Needless to say, I have had a “come to Jesus” talk with myself and decided that one of the few things I can control in my life is what goes in my mouth.  So, January 1, along with the millions of others who decide this is a good time to get healthy again, I will be hopping back on the wagon and recommitting myself to not only shedding the pounds, but working towards being healthier physically and emotionally.  I have a “Micole of the Bride” dress to find and fit into in about 15 months so let’s get moving!

What’s next on the agenda you say?  I won’t dwell on it nor elaborate much.  This year has been quite the emotional roller coaster.  The first 11 months of the year were pretty okay with several exciting events such as my stepdaughter getting engaged!  Wedding planning is a lot of fun these days.  We have many positives to be thankful for and just like everyone else, we have had some things that were not so great and frankly heartbreaking.  Many of these things we have no control over, so I am trying my hardest to, as Queen Elsa tells us to “Let It Go”, focus on the things I can control and make a difference in, and be grateful for the blessings we do have. 

My nugget as I refer to him, one of the two teenage boys who I am fortunate to be “Mom/Micole” to, is doing well as well.  We had a rough start to the school year this year but he has worked and improved and that’s really all I can ask for is for him to try and do better than he did in the past.  The other nugget has had some changes this year that I hope turn out for the best.  Hopefully he is on the road to happiness and harmony.  

School is school and work is work.  I’m finally getting into the meat of my Social Work program and am enjoying it.  Yes, I just said to the world that I am enjoying school.  Shocker I know!  Work is fun as always and keeps me busy.  My work family is one of the blessings I do count in my life.  Working with the people I work with is a very positive influence in my life and something I am very grateful for.

Last, but certainly not least, my HoneyBunch.  This December we will have met 11 years ago.  It seems like not so long ago that dark and snowy night, him driving down to Indy and getting his car stuck at the end of my driveway……little did I know the adventure that would ensue from there.  There have been good times and bad times just like every relationship.  But I can tell you one thing, I’m grateful to have him and his kiddos in my life.  I’m also grateful for the role he fills with my nugget as well.  We may not see eye to eye but my life is richer and fuller because of him. 

Well that about wraps up my year end sentiments.  I hope to come back here often to share more of my journey and story.  What started out as a way to share my weight loss journey is I think, going to be more about sharing my whole life’s journey.  Many people have said I should write a book and who knows, maybe I will.  But until then, I’ll keep coming back and spending time with you all here on my front porch of the World Wide Web.  Thanks for stopping by and come back soon.  Happy New Year!!!